Nevada Rental Assistance Las Vegas Assistance Programs Clark County Social Service Fertitta

Clark County Social Service Fertitta - County Department

Below is the information for Clark County Social Service Fertitta, a County Department in Las Vegas NV :
Details: MISSION: Provide a safety net of human services to a growing community. VISION: Self-Sufficiency for at-risk people through a variety of services. The Social Service Department provides a variety of services for needy residents of Clark County who are not assisted by other state, federal or local programs. Social Service is responsible for ensuring that the County meets it health, welfare and community responsibilities as set forth in the Nevada Revised Statutes and County Ordinances. Our services are primarily targeted for childless adults. The primary mandates are to provide financial and medical assistance, protective services for seniors. Social Service is also responsible for other programs and duties assigned by the Board of County Commissioners.
Address: 1504 Las Vegas Blvd North
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Contact Phone: 702-455-4270
Fax: 702-380-8327
Services Available: Financial Assistance: Rental, Burials and Cremations, Transportation; Long Term Care Assistance: Adult Day Care, Adult Group Care, Nursing Homes; Homemaker Home Health Aide/Alternative Health Care: Grocery Shopping, Laundry, Light Housekeeping, Light Meal Preparation, Personal Hygiene, Prescription Pick-Up; Senior Advocate Program; Case Management; Step-Up

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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