Wisconsin Rental Assistance Tomah Assistance Programs Ho-chunk Nation Department Of Housing

Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Housing - Tribal Department

Below is the information for Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Housing, a Tribal Department in Tomah WI :
Details: The mission of the Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Housing shall provide centralized leadership to develop housing opportunities using funds allocated for this purpose strategically and efficiently, improving the use of socio-economic resources, and by creating unified goals and objectives stimulating durable housing options which benefit Ho-Chunk members by improving access to safe and affordable housing. Develop housing opportunities creating self-sufficiency/sustainability.
Address: 27374 State Highway 21 E, Building 5
Tomah, WI 54660
Contact Phone: 608-374-1225
Fax: 608-374-1233
Website: http://www.ho-chunknation.com/
Services Available: Home Ownership Program; Down Payment Assistance; Home Repair Loan Application, etc.

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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