Piedmont Community Action - Community Action Agency

Below is the information for Piedmont Community Action, a Community Action Agency in Spartanburg SC :
Details: Piedmont Community Action was incorporated on February 25, 1966 as part of the War on Poverty. The agency evolved from the Spartanburg Economic Opportunity Commission which began in 1965. Today, as the largest independent, private, 501 (c) in Spartanburg and Cherokee counties, PCA assists more than 50,000 low-income individuals and families annually. PCA programs provide opportunities for individuals and families each year to improve their lives and contribute to their communities. PCA will continue to work with our many partners to increase opportunity and build hope for low-income residents in Cherokee and Spartanburg counties.
Address: 300 S. Daniel Morgan Avenue
Spartanburg, SC 29304
Contact Phone: 864-585-8183
Fax: 864-585-5152
Website: http://www.pcasp.org/
Services Available: General Emergency Assistance Program (GEAP); S. C. Help Mortgage Assistance Program; Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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