ReStart - Homeless Prevention - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for ReStart - Homeless Prevention, a Non-Profit Organization in Reno NV :
Details: ReStart provides crisis intervention and stabilization services for Washoe County residents who are in a family, people with a long-term disability, seniors over 60 and individuals with HIV/AIDS and others who are at risk of becoming homeless. The Homeless Prevention Program offers deposit, rent or utility assistance. Participants meet with a case manager to address the root causes of their housing crisis and plan for long-term needs. Those who do not receive funding are offered case management services. When funds are available, ReStart provides temporary, on-going rental assistance to maintain the households current housing arrangement. This critical prevention program helps stop the flow of individuals and families into shelters and out onto the streets.
Address: 335 Record Street, #155
Reno, NV 89512
Contact Phone: 775-324-2622
Fax: 775-324-0446
Services Available: Deposit, Rent or Utility Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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