BayView Healthcare - BayView Charities - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for BayView Healthcare - BayView Charities, a Non-Profit Organization in Saint Augustine FL :
Details: Founded in 1920, BayView Healthcare, also known to many as the St. Johns Welfare Federation, has maintained a long tradition and commitment of providing the highest quality health care services and charitable assistance to the citizens of St. Johns County and surrounding communities. BayView Charities is our longest running program that provides charitable emergency assistance, counseling and referrals for individuals and families in our community in need of rent, utilities, food, medications, medical supplies, dental care, clothing and transportation to specialized hospitals. Our purpose for this program is to support families and individuals in the community who are in need on an emergency basis and to restore them to self-sufficiency. BayView Charities is not an entitlement-based program. We network with local churches, organizations and other agencies to assist or seek support to those in need and actively participate in fundraising events to benefit our charity. We are grateful to be the beneficiary of many volunteer hours of service and donations of financial assistance, food, clothing, medical supplies and other items to help us serve others.
Address: 161 Marine Street
Saint Augustine, FL 32084
Contact Phone: 904-829-3475
Fax: 904-808-9918
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Utility Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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