Buckhead Christian Ministry - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Buckhead Christian Ministry, a Non-Profit Organization in Atlanta GA :
Details: For more than 25 years, Buckhead Christian Ministry (BCM) has worked to prevent hunger and homelessness for local people facing life-changing events such as a job loss, a reduction in work hours or a medical problem. BCM’s mission is to provide emergency and housing assistance to individuals and families of all faiths, in particular addressing the needs of low-income workers and helping them to achieve stability. Through the provision of food, clothing, financial assistance and life skills education, BCM seeks to prevent homelessness for individuals and families in crisis. BCM also fosters community by engaging volunteers in bringing hope and compassion to people of all faiths. BCM serves more than 8,500 individuals of all faiths annually. They are people you encounter on a daily basis — waitresses, clerks, janitors, and health care assistants — and reside in 15 zip codes throughout metro Atlanta. BCM enjoys a broad base of support from 28 churches, as well as individuals, foundations and organizations.
Address: 2847 Piedmont Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30305
Contact Phone: 404-239-0038
Fax: 404-239-0871
Website: http://buckheadchristianministry.org/
Services Available: Financial Assistance Program (rent, mortgage or utility)

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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