Vermont Rental Assistance Morrisville Assistance Programs Central Vermont Community Action Council - Lamoille County/morrisville

Central Vermont Community Action Council - Lamoille County/Morrisville - Community Action Agency

Below is the information for Central Vermont Community Action Council - Lamoille County/Morrisville, a Community Action Agency in Morrisville VT :
Details: Founded in 1965, CVCAC helps people achieve economic sufficiency with dignity through individual and family development. We are part of a nationwide network of community action agencies (CAA) established by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 in order to fight America's War on Poverty. Today, there are nearly 1,000 CAAs across the United States located in 98% of our cities and counties. CAAs are a primary source of support for the more than 40 million Americans who are living in poverty in both rural and urban areas. Over the years, CVCAC has earned a reputation for leadership in education on poverty issues, advocacy on behalf of low-income families, and developing innovative strategies and programs to reduce poverty. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency and Community Development Corporation, we provide a number of programs and services for low to moderate income Vermonters aimed at reducing poverty and creating prosperity. We focus our work on the basic tenets of outreach, empowerment, advocacy and organizing.
Address: 197 Harrel Street
Morrisville, VT 05661
Contact Phone: 802-888-7993
Services Available: Rental Assistance; Arrearages Assistance; Mortgage Assistance; Security Deposits Assistance; Seasonal Fuel Assistance; Crisis Fuel Assistance; After Hours Crisis Fuel Assistance; WARMTH; ShareHeat; Green Mountain Power

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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