Chattanooga CARES - HIV/AIDS Organization

Below is the information for Chattanooga CARES, a HIV/AIDS Organization in Chattanooga TN :
Details: Our mission is to reach, assist and support people impacted by HIV/AIDS through compassionate and responsive delivery of education, health, social and advocacy related services. Chattanooga CARES (Council on AIDS, Resources, Education and Support) was organized in 1986 and received its non-profit status in 1988. Overseen by our Board of Directors, Chattanooga CARES has grown, employing more than 28 team members, including a Primary Care Clinic and uses more than 200 trained volunteers to provide resources to anyone affected by HIV/AIDS.
Address: 1000 East 3rd Street, Suite 300
Chattanooga, TN 37403
Contact Phone: 423-265-2273
Fax: 423-756-1223
Services Available: Emergency Housing Assitance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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