Maine Rental Assistance Hallowell Assistance Programs City Of Hallowell - General Assistance

City of Hallowell - General Assistance - Locally Administered Financial Assistance Program

Below is the information for City of Hallowell - General Assistance, a Locally Administered Financial Assistance Program in Hallowell ME :
Details: This is a State Aid Program. The primary function of the General Assistance Administrator is to provide general assistance services to the Community. General assistance is a last resort “safety net” program, which each municipality in the State is required to administer according to guidelines established by the State and by the local municipality. The Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) oversees the administration of all the Municipal G. A. Programs and provides partial reimbursement to municipalities for assistance furnished to G. A. clients, along with Social Security Adm. for SSI approved clients. Assistance is limited to basic necessities and is granted to clients in the form of purchase orders payable to specific vendors, who supply the services or goods needed. Each case is carefully examined by the G.A. Administrator to see if a general assistance client qualifies. Applications need to be made ahead of time with proof of income and expenses attached. Gift cards for heating fuel are always welcome and will be used for clients with emergencies, that do not qualify for the G. A. Program because they might be just over the G. A. guidelines or do not qualify for all the assistance that the family needs. You can send gift cards to the G. A. Administrator to be distributed.
Address: One Winthrop Street
Hallowell, ME 04347
Contact Phone: 207-623-4021
Fax: 207-621-8317
Services Available: Assistance for basic necessities such as Rent, Food, Clothing, Fuel, Electricity, Non-Elective Essential Medical Services

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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