City of Laconia Welfare Department - City Department

Below is the information for City of Laconia Welfare Department, a City Department in Laconia NH :
Details: Our mission is to provide interim assistance with basic needs for those who do not have the resources to meet these needs and encourage community involvement in addressing issues to help break the circle of poverty. Local welfare offices are funded primarily by property taxes. Every city and town in New Hampshire has someone appointed or elected to administer local welfare. If you need assistance, you would apply in the city or town where you reside unless you find yourself in an emergency situation in another community. You would then contact the local welfare office in that community. We provide interim, emergency assistance with basic needs for those unable to provide for themselves. Basic needs include shelter, food, medications, rent, utilities, etc. Assistance is issued in the form of vouchers for these items paid directly to a vendor. We will also refer you to other programs that will help you to meet these basic needs. Those individuals assisted by the welfare department that are "work ready" will be enrolled in the City's workfare program.
Address: 45 Beacon St. East
Laconia, NH 03246
Contact Phone: 603-527-1267
Fax: 603-524-1520
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Utilities Assistance; Shelter Assistance; Food Assistance, Medications Assistance, etc.

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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