City of Rochester Municipal Welfare - City Department

Below is the information for City of Rochester Municipal Welfare, a City Department in Rochester NH :
Details: Municipal Welfare administers general emergency assistance for poor individuals and families seeking emergency financial assistance with emergency basic needs. Requests may be made to this office through a written application process, including an initial assessment intake. All decisions are made free of bias, and in a strictly confidential manner. Eligibility is based on a financial review of basic needs and available applicant resources. It is our mission to meet our legal obligations in a professional, thoughtful and cost effective manner for the people of Rochester.
Address: 31 Wakefield Street
Rochester, NH 03867
Contact Phone: 603-332-3505
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Utilities Assistance; Shelter Assistance; Food Assistance; Medications Assistance, etc

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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