Arizona Rental Assistance Scottsdale Assistance Programs Concerned Citizens For Community Health

Concerned Citizens for Community Health - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Concerned Citizens for Community Health, a Non-Profit Organization in Scottsdale AZ :
Details: Incorporated in 1975, CONCERNED CITIZENS FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH is a volunteer, non-profit 501 (c)(3)organization whose mission is to develop services for unmet needs in Scottsdale. For over 30 years, CONCERNED CITIZENS has stimulated public awareness and promoted the establishment and expansion of health and welfare services in the community. The organization’s fund raising efforts provide emergency food, clothing, transportation, prescriptions, rent and utility assistance to hundreds of families in need each year. CONCERNED CITIZENS is also active in supporting youth programs — sponsoring a tutoring program, dance troupe, recreation activities, an international club and promoting education for youth in the community. The organization also supports a Job Preparation Program, providing case management and education to promote self-sufficiency. Finally, the organization offers support to senior programs with inter-generational programming, an elder care library, a holiday program, and a computer lab. CONCERNED CITIZENS works in partnership with Vista del Camino, and the City of Scottsdale Recreation and Human Services, to identify unmet needs in the community, and to develop or enhance programs to effectively address these needs.Please review our services and participate as a client, donor or volunteer! Give when you can…Accept when in need.
Address: 7700 E. Roosevelt St
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Contact Phone: 480-312-2224
Services Available: Assistance for emergency rent or mortgage and utility payments

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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