Missouri Rental Assistance Perryville Assistance Programs East Missouri Action Agency, Inc. - Perry County Outreach Office

East Missouri Action Agency, Inc. - Perry County Outreach Office - Community Action Agency

Below is the information for East Missouri Action Agency, Inc. - Perry County Outreach Office, a Community Action Agency in Perryville MO :
Details: East Missouri Action Agency, Inc. (EMAA), is a community action agency established in 1965 under the authority of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. MISSION: EMAA will act as a catalyst within the community to empower economically disadvantaged individuals and families to reach their highest possible level of success. VISION: A healthy community of empowered individuals and families.
Address: 25 South Jackson Street
Perryville, MO 63775
Contact Phone: 573-547-2014
Fax: 573-517-0058
Website: http://site.eastmoaa.org/
Services Available: Emergency Rental Assistance; Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); Emergency Energy Programs; Weatherization Assistance Program

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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Latest Reviews, Comments, Questions for East Missouri Action Agency, Inc. - Perry County Outreach Office

Comment from East Missouri Action Agency, Inc. - Perry County Outreach Office: Can you help me with rental assistance? My family and I stay at my parents home and we usually give what we can a month but things have changed with our income and debt. We need to give them about $$600/$900 for 6 months we haven't been able to. We usually tried to give about $150 a month but everything is different now than it has been for the past couple years.

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Types of Rental Assistance Programs Explained
How to Apply for Rental Assistance: A Step-by-Step Guide