Eastside Ministerial Alliance - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Eastside Ministerial Alliance, a Non-Profit Organization in Waterloo IA :
Details: From 1975, when we began with a vision of working to help meet human needs and alleviating social and economic ills, to 2003 when we began operations in our present location, the Eastside Ministerial Alliance (EMA) has worked with various organizations to serve the Waterloo community. The EMA is an ecumenical 501(c)3, not for profit, organization of clergy whose mission is to: Establish, conduct, and maintain educational, social, charitable, economic, and recreational programs and endeavors as may assist in the advancement of its members and aid in the general welfare of a population in the community that is under-served or have otherwise fallen through the social service, economical, and educational cracks.
Address: 205 Adams Street, Suite 1
Waterloo, IA 50703
Contact Phone: 319-235-5580
Website: http://emacenter.org/
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Mortgage Assistance; Utilities Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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