Illinois Rental Assistance Arlington Heights Assistance Programs Elk Grove Township General Assistance Department

Elk Grove Township General Assistance Department - Township Department

Below is the information for Elk Grove Township General Assistance Department, a Township Department in Arlington Heights IL :
Details: Elk Grove Township’s General Assistance Department administers several programs. General Assistance: General Assistance, or GA, is a public assistance program mandated by state law for adults that are ineligible for state or federal programs and who meet financial requirements. GA can provide monthly allotments for shelter, food, clothing, personal essentials, and transportation through direct vendor disbursements. Decisions of eligibility are made based upon state guidelines. Those interested township residents in need should call or come in to pick up an application. Emergency Assistance: Emergency Assistance, or EA, is available to families with children who are facing a life threatening circumstance (such as eviction or utility disconnection) and meet township established financial guidelines. Residents facing such situations should call for an appointment. Families receiving TANF or SSI are ineligible.
Address: 2400 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Contact Phone: 847-437-0300
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Utilities Assistance; Food; Clothing; Personal Essentials; Shelter

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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