New York Rental Assistance New York Assistance Programs Friends Of Karen - New York City Office

Friends of Karen - New York City Office - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Friends of Karen - New York City Office, a Non-Profit Organization in New York NY :
Details: The mission of Friends of Karen is to provide emotional, financial and advocacy support to children with a life-threatening illness and their families.
Address: 116 E. 16th Street, 5th floor
New York, NY 10003
Contact Phone: 212-308-1378
Services Available: Family Support Program: Basic living expenses such as mortgage/rent payments, utilities and car payments, which have become unmanageable due to lost wages and the high cost of medical care; Transportation to medical treatment, parking, in-hospital meals; Childcare for siblings when parents have to be with their hospitalized child; Medical expenses not covered by insurance, such as co-pays; Emotional support for family members coping with extraordinary circumstances; Advocacy for resolving problems with healthcare providers and government agencies; Supermarket gift cards and holiday meals for needy families; Referrals to other agencies or government programs; Gift programs for ill children and their siblings

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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