Greater Manchester AIDS Project - HIV/AIDS Organization

Below is the information for Greater Manchester AIDS Project, a HIV/AIDS Organization in Manchester NH :
Details: Agency Mission: To honor the inherent dignity and strength of people living with HIV/AIDS; To support and assist persons infected and/or affected by HIV/AIDS in maintaining a high quality of life through direct assistance, advocacy, and education; To prevent new HIV infection and promote safer practices through education and prevention activities in the local and regional communities; To counteract myths and stereotypes about HIV/AIDS; To increase and diversify the netowrk of HIV related service providers in the communities we serve; To play an active role in affecting local, state and national policies on civil rights, discrimination, HIV/AIDS prevention, education, research, and direct care
Address: 170 Lowell Street
Manchester, NH 03104
Contact Phone: 603-623-0710
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Utilities Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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