HAF, Inc. - Bronx Office - HIV/AIDS Organization

Below is the information for HAF, Inc. - Bronx Office, a HIV/AIDS Organization in Bronx NY :
Details: HAF's mission is to improve health outcomes for Latinos in New York City who are affected by HIV and other chronic illnesses. HAF fulfills this mission by integrating prevention and education into a set of multi-faceted wellness programs designed to: Improve access to care, services and other available resources for Latinos affected by chronic illnesses; Foster increased awareness and knowledge of chronic illnesses in Latino communities; Provide individual, family and group supportive counseling to reduce risks, prevent the onset of disease, and manage disease progression; Address attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that place Latinos at risk; Document the health-related needs of Latinos; Advocate and guide the formulation of public health programs and policies that are responsive to the health needs of Latino communities in New York City.
Address: 975 Kelly Street, Suite 402
Bronx, NY 10459
Contact Phone: 718-328-4188
Fax: 718-328-2888
Website: http://www.hafnyc.org/
Services Available: Financial Assistance with Rent Payments

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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