California Rental Assistance San Francisco Assistance Programs Hamilton Family Center - First Avenues: Housing Solutions For Families

Hamilton Family Center - First Avenues: Housing Solutions for Families - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Hamilton Family Center - First Avenues: Housing Solutions for Families, a Non-Profit Organization in San Francisco CA :
Details: First Avenues: Housing Solutions for Families is a nationally recognized housing program that serves homeless families and families most at risk of becoming homeless. First Avenues’ primary focus is to return families to independent living and to assist families and individuals to maintain their housing. Since 2005, First Avenues has prevented more than 400 family evictions and more than 200 single adult evictions, assisted at least 525 families secure housing with move-in assistance, and helped nearly 400 families transition from the crisis of homelessness to the stability of housing with medium-term rental subsidies. One year after the end of First Avenues’ services 97% of eviction prevention clients, 95% of move-in assistance clients, and 85% of rental subsidy clients remain stably housed.
Address: 255 Hyde Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Contact Phone: 415-614-9060
Services Available: Move-In Assistance: a grant towards security deposit and/or first month’s rent; Rental Subsidies: a monthly grant towards rent for 12-24 months; Eviction Prevention: a grant towards back rent

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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