Heartland CARES, Inc. - HIV/AIDS Organization

Below is the information for Heartland CARES, Inc., a HIV/AIDS Organization in Paducah KY :
Details: Heartland CARES, Inc. is a non-profit organization providing comprehensive, client-centered, quality health care, support services, prevention education, and HIV testing. Primary care is provided to persons living with HIV/AIDS, support services are provided to clients and their families, and prevention education and testing are provided to clients, their families, and the community at large. Within the community, we strive to prevent new infections and reduce the stigma associated with this disease by promoting awareness, acceptance, and equality.
Address: 619 North 30th Street
Paducah, KY 42002
Contact Phone: 270-444-8183
Website: http://www.hcares.org/
Services Available: Housing Assistance (case management services, housing information services, permanent housing placement (first/last month rent, security deposit, application fee), short-term rental and mortgage assistance, tenant-based rental assistance, transportation assistance, personal empowerment client education and mental health and substance abuse treatment)

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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