Missouri Rental Assistance Saint Louis Assistance Programs Historic Trinity Lutheran Church - Housing & Utility Assistance

Historic Trinity Lutheran Church - Housing & Utility Assistance - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Historic Trinity Lutheran Church - Housing & Utility Assistance, a Non-Profit Organization in Saint Louis MO :
Details: Assistance with Gas (October – March), Electric (May – September), and Rent can be had, on a first come first serve bases, through the front door of the Parish House from 9-10:30 AM Monday – Friday. Assistance is limited to $50 – funds are limited. To receive assistance: Must live in the 63104 zip code; Gas or Electric, – must have disconnect notice, but utility must still be connected; Rent – need a letter from landlord that one is behind on rent and/or a lease agreement; Assistance can only be granted once every six months; Bring with you – disconnection notice or letter from landlord/lease agreement, proof of income, ID.
Address: 1805 South 8th Street
Saint Louis, MO 63104
Contact Phone: 314-231-4092
Fax: 314-231-5430
Website: http://trinitystlouis.com/
Services Available: Housing & Utility Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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