Housing Help of Lenawee - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Housing Help of Lenawee, a Non-Profit Organization in Adrian MI :
Details: In the late 1980's, Lenawee County community leaders realized there were no programs targeting citizens in housing crisis. No one knew how many people were impacted by this lack of service, but the sense was that the numbers were growing with each year. As a result, the Basic Needs Task Force (BNTF), a branch of the Human Services Council, helped to create a Housing Task Force. In 1990, out of this need and in collaboration with the Adrian Dominican Sisters, Lenawee Emergency and Affordable Housing Corporation (LEAHC) was founded and later incorporated on Oct. 8, 1991, just as the former Governor John Engler abolished general assistance (welfare). As of Feb. 2013 Lenawee Emergency and Affordable Housing Corporation (LEAHC) is now known as Housing Help of Lenawee (H2Lenawee). H2Lenawee is a Michigan not-for-profit corporation with a purpose to: 1) Provide counseling, referral, supportive services and financial aid leading to access of habitable permanent shelter or to aid in maintaining current living situations, 2) Assist people who need emergency or transitional housing, and 3) Work toward solutions that will result in affordable permanent housing for people in Lenawee County having housing problems. Today, H2Lenawee provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent housing, a veterans program and housing assistance in the form of financial aid for permanent housing.
Address: 307 East Church St.
Adrian, MI 49221
Contact Phone: 517-264-0782
Website: http://www.h2lenawee.org/
Services Available: Housing First Program (assist with first month's rent, past due rent and mortgage foreclosure, case management, client outreach, landlord mediation, budgeting, housing search and referrals); Transitional Housing; Permanent Supportive Housing Program; Veterans Program; Emergency Shelter

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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