California Rental Assistance Hanford Assistance Programs Kings Community Action Organization - Armona Operations Center

Kings Community Action Organization - Armona Operations Center - Community Action Agency

Below is the information for Kings Community Action Organization - Armona Operations Center, a Community Action Agency in Hanford CA :
Details: Kings Community Action Organization (KCAO) is the exclusive anti-poverty agency for Kings County. KCAO is a private, non-profit organization that was established in 1965 pursuant to the Economic Opportunities Act of 1964 and is completing its 46th year of service to the residents of Kings County. Utility Assistance is available once per year to families/individuals throughout Kings County. We provide assistance with gas or electric bills only. You must meet all income requirements and provide the proper documentation in order to be assisted. You could be assisted with either Home Energy Assistance Program (H.E.A.P.) or United Way EAF & GAF funding depending on which is available. Weatherization Assistance is available to low income families and individuals throughout Kings County, priority is given to households with the highest energy burdens and households consisting of the following vulnerable populations: seniors, disabled, children under age 5, and households with life-threatening emergencies. Various weatherization measures are installed to improve energy efficiency in the home such as aerators, low-flow shower heads, water heater blankets, minor home repairs to broken windows and doors, and heating/cooling repair or replacement when needed.
Address: 13549 Hanford-Armona Rd.
Hanford, CA 93230
Contact Phone: 559-583-8071
Services Available: Home Energy Assistance Program (H.E.A.P.); United Way EAF & GAF; Weatherization

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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