Menard County Housing Authority - Housing Authority/Housing Counseling Agency

Below is the information for Menard County Housing Authority, a Housing Authority/Housing Counseling Agency in Petersburg IL :
Details: Menard County Housing Authority (MCHA) has been serving Menard County, Illinois since 1947 by providing safe, decent and sanitary housing for its low income residents. Since that time, many things have changed but not our commitment to excellence. We continually strive to improve the quality of housing available throughout the county by upgrading and renovating our own rental units or by partnering with private owners to manage theirs.
Address: 101 W Sheridan Road
Petersburg, IL 62675
Contact Phone: (217)632-7723
Fax: (217)632-7255
Services Available: - Fair Housing Pre-Purchase Education Workshops - Financial Management/Budget Counseling - Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Counseling - Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling - Non-Delinquency Post Purchase Workshops - Pre-purchase Counseling - Pre-purchase Homebuyer Education Workshops - Rental Housing Counseling - Services for Homeless Counseling

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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