Mercy’s Gate - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Mercy’s Gate, a Non-Profit Organization in Colorado Springs CO :
Details: Mercy’s Gate began 30 years ago as a food pantry called Northern Churches Care. Our mission was to join together to love our neighbors in Colorado Springs by helping with their physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual needs. Over the years, we’ve seen the city’s boundaries change and the needs of our community grow. As a result of the increased need, we’ve grown, expanded our services and programs, and have spread out into three different locations. Every week, through our member churches and faithful volunteers and staff, we provide much-needed food, clothing, help with utilities and rent, medical assistance . . . and most importantly, spiritual care and emotional support. The need is great.
Address: 4285 N. Academy Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Contact Phone: 719-277-7470
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Utilities Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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