Indiana Rental Assistance Hartford City Assistance Programs Muncie Mission Ministries, Inc. - Family Services (blackford County)

Muncie Mission Ministries, Inc. - Family Services (Blackford County) - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Muncie Mission Ministries, Inc. - Family Services (Blackford County), a Non-Profit Organization in Hartford City IN :
Details: Muncie Mission Ministries is a faith-based agency that has brought hope and healing to the homeless and needy of Delaware County for over 80 years, with God’s guidance and enabling. Family Services extends a helping hand to families in both Delaware and Blackford Counties. Donations of clothing, furniture and food allow us to provide these items free to those who cannot afford them, and we can also give some assistance with current financial needs. For Assistance in Blackford County (Hartford City) We are available from 11 am to 2 pm at 108 N. Jefferson Street every Wednesday and Friday. Call the Hartford City Attic Window (765) 348-2050 to make an appointment. Each applicant for financial assistance must have a current application with his or her local Trustees Office before applying with Muncie Mission. The Hartford City-Licking Township Trustees Office is located at 204 W. Main Street in Hartford City. Their phone number is (765) 348-0920. In order to receive assistance, we ask the families to provide: Photo ID; ID for children in the household (Social Security card or birth certificate); Proof of residence (copy of lease or a utility bill); Proof of income, if there is any.
Address: 108 North Jefferson Street
Hartford City, IN 47348
Contact Phone: 765-348-2050
Services Available: Limited Emergency Assistance for Utility Bills or Rent; Food Pantry; Vouchers for Clothing once every three months; Household Items and Hygiene Products

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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