Illinois Rental Assistance Naperville Assistance Programs Naperville Township Financial Assistance

Naperville Township Financial Assistance - Locally Administered Welfare Program

Below is the information for Naperville Township Financial Assistance, a Locally Administered Welfare Program in Naperville IL :
Details: The Township offers financial assistance to families and individuals in need. General Assistance is administered to individuals or families in need who meet the financial and non-financial requirements. They must be currently seeking full time employment or be pending disability. Applications are taken at the Township Office by appointment. Emergency Assistance is administered to persons once in a twelve month period with a lifetime maximum of 5 times. Applicant must be a Township resident who has received a utilities disconnection notice (not for non-payment of deposit), and/or a five day notice on rent or behind on mortgage payments. Applications are taken at the Township Office by appointment. LIHEAP helps income-eligible people pay their heating utility bills. Applications are taken at the Township Office beginning September 1 for seniors and disabled individuals, October 1 for seniors, disabled individuals and families with children under 5 years of age, and November 1 for all who are income-eligible. This program ends for each season on May 31st. Circuit Breaker - Seniors and disabled individuals who meet the financial eligibility guidelines can receive some financial relief for real estate taxes, rent, cost of pharmaceuticals, nursing home charges, and for individuals over 65, automobile license costs.
Address: 139 Water Street
Naperville, IL 60540
Contact Phone: 630-355-2786
Services Available: General Assistance; Emergency Assistance; Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP); Circuit Breaker

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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