Missouri Rental Assistance Saint Louis Assistance Programs National Children's Cancer Society - Emergency Assistance Fund

National Children's Cancer Society - Emergency Assistance Fund - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for National Children's Cancer Society - Emergency Assistance Fund, a Non-Profit Organization in Saint Louis MO :
Details: The National Children's Cancer Society (NCCS) serves as a financial, emotional, and educational resource for families that can’t make ends meet when their child is diagnosed with cancer. Since our inception, we’ve provided over $61 million in direct financial assistance to more than 36,000 children with cancer nationwide, and we work closely with over 300 hospitals and pediatric oncology units throughout the US. The Emergency Assistance Fund provides $300 in emergency assistance per year to families who have a child that has been inpatient or away from home for (30) consecutive days within the past three months. Assistance may be used for mortgage, rent, utility payments, childcare, health insurance premiums, car expenses or treatment-related expenses such as meals away from home, prescriptions, and parking.
Address: 500 North Broadway, Suite 800
Saint Louis, MO 63102
Contact Phone: 314-241-1600
Fax: 314-241-1996
Website: http://www.thenccs.org/
Services Available: Emergency Assistance Fund - Assistance for mortgage, rent, utility payments, childcare, health insurance premiums, car expenses or treatment-related expenses such as meals away from home, prescriptions, and parking

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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