Colorado Rental Assistance Loveland Assistance Programs Neighbor To Neighbor Loveland Office

Neighbor to Neighbor Loveland Office - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Neighbor to Neighbor Loveland Office, a Non-Profit Organization in Loveland CO :
Details: Neighbor to Neighbor grew out of a grassroots movement in 1970. In a neighborhood in northeast Fort Collins, a large family was about to lose their home. Their neighbors joined together and successfully raised enough money to keep the family from becoming homeless. This spirit of giving and compassion led to the founding of N2N. Since then, programs have expanded to meet the growing need for affordable housing and self-sufficiency programs in Larimer County, including our HUD-Certified Renter and Home Ownership programs and our Affordable Housing program. Today, N2N serves over 3,500 families and individuals each year.
Address: 1511 East 11th Street, Suite 210
Loveland, CO 80537
Contact Phone: 970-663-4163
Services Available: Emergency Rent Assistance; First Month's Rent Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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Types of Rental Assistance Programs Explained
How to Apply for Rental Assistance: A Step-by-Step Guide