Northern Ponca Housing Authority - Housing Authority

Below is the information for Northern Ponca Housing Authority, a Housing Authority in Norfolk NE :
Details: The Northern Ponca Housing Authority was created under Ordinance of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska. In January 1993, the Housing Authority board was appointed by the Tribal Council, and policies and procedures were established prior to applying for grants. The Northern Ponca Housing Authority offers low-income housing, down payment assistance, a tenant home ownership program, home ownership home improvement assistance and a residential opportunity for self-sufficiency program. The Northern Ponca Housing Authority currently owns 134 units, and as of January 1999, includes 10 tax credit homes in Omaha, NE. The NPHA low-income housing is open to the native community and own and operate units in Omaha, Bellevue, Lincoln, Norfolk, Battle Creek, Columbus and Niobrara, NE, as well as Wagner, SD, and Sioux City and Council Bluff, IA. Our current rental occupancy rate is 88.8%. The NPHA has also assisted over 56 families with purchasing their own homes through the down payment assistance program. NPHA currently has 18 employees on staff to help with admissions and occupancy, day to day rental issues, maintenance, resident counseling, home buyer counseling, accounting, public relations and many other administrative and secretarial duties provided by the Housing Authority.
Address: 1501 W. Michigan Ave.
Norfolk, NE 68701
Contact Phone: 402-379-8224
Fax: 402-379-8557
Services Available: Low-Income Housing; Down Payment Assistance; Home Ownership Home Improvement Assistance

Programs Available:
To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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