Novato Human Needs Center - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Novato Human Needs Center, a Non-Profit Organization in Novato CA :
Details: Founded in 1972, as a Marin County 501(c) nonprofit agency, the Novato Human Needs Center assists more than 4,000 community-based residents annually. Often referred to as the “heart of Novato,” our Center has been a gathering place for 40 years linking concerned citizens, donors, volunteers, and Novato residents who have specific needs.
Address: 1907 Novato Boulevard
Novato, CA 94947
Contact Phone: 415-897-4147
Fax: 415-897-7171
Services Available: Rental Assistance: One-time Payment of Rent or Mortgage

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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Types of Rental Assistance Programs Explained
How to Apply for Rental Assistance: A Step-by-Step Guide