Nunda Township General Assistance - Locally Administered Welfare Program

Below is the information for Nunda Township General Assistance, a Locally Administered Welfare Program in Crystal Lake IL :
Details: Under certain State Statues, Township Supervisors are mandated to provide financial assistance to the needy residents of their township. The “General Assistance Funding” comes entirely from local real estate taxes and last year Nunda levied approximately $33,750 for this purpose ($1.30 for a $150,000 house). There are 2 basic types of assistance that we can provide. A monthly grant to supplement the recipient's income; emergency assistance for such things as utility bill shut off notices, eviction notices, and emergency medicine or food. The rules governing who is qualified and the type and amount of assistance are generally set by the Illinois Department of Public Aid. A key element to all general assistance is confidentiality. Only the Township Supervisor and the caseworker are aware of the recipient's name. There are no checks written directly to a recipient. The criteria for eligibility are quite specific and start with the completion of the attached application. There are many social services available in the County. The Township is only one and we try to guide people to the other services if we can not help.
Address: 3510 Bay Road
Crystal Lake, IL 60012
Contact Phone: 815-459-4011
Fax: 815-459-4023
Services Available: Emergency assistance for such things as utility bill shut off notices, eviction notices, and emergency medicine or food

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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