PathStone - Scranton - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for PathStone - Scranton, a Non-Profit Organization in Scranton PA :
Details: Begun in 1969, PathStone is a private, not-for-profit regional community development and human service organization providing services to farmworkers, low-income families and economically depressed communities throughout New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Vermont, Virginia and Puerto Rico. PathStone has successfully operated a wide array of programs funded by federal, state, local, faith-based and private sources.
Address: 135 Franklin Ave
Scranton, PA 18503
Contact Phone: 570-963-4671
Services Available: Emergency Food and Shelter: Nutritional Assistance, Emergency Shelter, First Month Rental Assistance, Rent In Arrears Assistance, Mortgage Assistance and Utilities In Arrears Assistance (One-Time Only Assistance)

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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Comment from PathStone - Scranton: I just got out of prison onaug 19 and have 3 pay stubs i live in a halfway house and it is painful to live there i was z coded in proson and i was in for 9year 2mon and18 days please if yoy can help me get an appartment i am not a sexoffender i please god need help i am at the halfway house geo also known as menseg

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