Colorado Rental Assistance Colorado Springs Assistance Programs Pikes Peak Community Action Agency - Main

Pikes Peak Community Action Agency - Main - Community Action Agency

Below is the information for Pikes Peak Community Action Agency - Main, a Community Action Agency in Colorado Springs CO :
Details: Pikes Peak Community Action Agency’s (PPCAA) mission is to increase the capacity of low-income individuals and families to be self-sufficient. Our efforts break the cycle of poverty with programs that help stabilize families and provide tools that give individuals the hope and skills they need to succeed and become independent and contributing citizens. PPCAA has four essential programs designed to help low-income individuals and families transition from poverty to permanent self-sufficiency and serves all of El Paso County with four neighborhood centers including two rural centers in Calhan and Fountain. Since 1964, PPCAA has provided services to improve the lives of low-income individuals and families in the Pikes Peak region. Our Family Stabilization Services (FSS) address the emergency needs of more than 17,000 low-income individuals each year. This program is designed to address emergency needs such as rent or mortgage, utilities, food, medical prescriptions, assistance with obtaining a valid identification, housing rehabilitation, transportation, and budget counseling to solve problems that may threaten a household’s progress toward permanent self-sufficiency. Many of our FSS clients are otherwise stable households that find themselves in crisis due to some unplanned and unfortunate event. PPCAA stabilizes these families in crisis so that they can get back on the road to self-sufficiency. Services provided by PPCAA to these families and individuals in crisis are unique since most other programs do not provide “one-time” assistance; rather they require enrollment and long term unemployment for assistance. PPCAA catches those citizens that are hard-working and would otherwise fall through the cracks of other social welfare programs.
Address: 312 S. Weber St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Contact Phone: 719-358-8396
Services Available: Family Stabilization Services

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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