Rain-Central Missouri, Inc. - HIV/AIDS Organization

Below is the information for Rain-Central Missouri, Inc., a HIV/AIDS Organization in Columbia MO :
Details: The mission of Rain-Central Missouri, Inc. is to provide comprehensive STD, HIV and Hepatitis education, early detection and care coordination for at-risk individuals, families and communities. Our Vision is to implement effective strategies that promote positive health for those impacted by or at risk for STD, HIV and Hepatitis health issues. Our Purpose is to serve special populations by providing health and educational resources, testing, referrals and other assistance for unfulfilled needs.
Address: 1123 Wilkes Boulevard, Suite 250
Columbia, MO 65201
Contact Phone: 573-875-8687
Fax: 573-875-8659
Website: http://www.missourirain.org/
Services Available: Housing Program - long-term/permanent rental assistance; supportive assistance for utilities, emergency housing, rental and utilities deposits

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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