Indiana Rental Assistance Ellettsville Assistance Programs Richland Township Trustee’s Office - Township Assistance

Richland Township Trustee’s Office - Township Assistance - Township Assistance Program

Below is the information for Richland Township Trustee’s Office - Township Assistance, a Township Assistance Program in Ellettsville IN :
Details: The Trustee is here to help the residents of the Township in times of crisis. The Trustee does not provide any long-term support or relief, but if you have a sudden, unavoidable problem, we may be able to help. Township residents may come to the Township office to pick up an Application for Township Assistance. When you have completed the Application you need to telephone the Township office to arrange an appointment to come into the office for an interview to determine eligibility for assistance.
Address: 102 S. Park St.
Ellettsville, IN 47429
Contact Phone: 812-876-2509
Services Available: Shelter Assistance; Utilities Assistance; Medical Assistance; Food Assistance; Clothing Assistance; utilities, and medical needs.

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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