Illinois Rental Assistance Rock Island Assistance Programs Rock Island Township General Assistance Program

Rock Island Township General Assistance Program - Locally Administered Welfare Program

Below is the information for Rock Island Township General Assistance Program, a Locally Administered Welfare Program in Rock Island IL :
Details: Eligible clients may receive a maximum of $300 per month towards rent, utilities, personal needs and food. Vouchers are issued to clients and checks are mailed to the rental property owners. All rental properties must be registered with the City of Rock Island. Typically, our clients are single, unemployed or applying for Social Security disability and have no other means of financial self-support. The application process can take up to 30 days. If approved and able to work, clients must seek employment, using resources at the Township (computer center, newspaper, job listings, etc.) to find a job.
Address: 2827 7th Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
Contact Phone: 309-788-3417
Fax: 309-788-0503
Services Available: Assistance with Rent, Utilities, Personal Needs and Food

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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