Saline Area Social Service - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Saline Area Social Service, a Non-Profit Organization in Saline MI :
Details: Our mission is to help our struggling neighbors within the Saline Area School District by providing them the extra aid, tools and resources to help improve their lives. Since we’re a non-profit organization, we heavily rely on the help of our community for our success. Thankfully, the support and donations we’ve received during the past 54 years have enabled us to provide the needed, ongoing assistance for up to 400 individuals who need our help on a weekly basis. In just the last year alone, we were able to provide over $150,000 in food and paper product donations to the families we serve. We’re also a great resource in helping our clients connect with a variety of different resources beyond our agency. Whether our clients’ needs are financial, physical, emotional or require information, we’re here to help.
Address: 131 E. Michigan Ave
Saline, MI 48176
Contact Phone: 734-429-4570
Services Available: Limited assistance with rent, energy bills, car repair and prescription co-pays; Food Pantry; Personal items; Back-to-School clothing and supplies; The Holiday Adopt-a-Family Program

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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