Montana Rental Assistance Salish And Kootenai Housing Authority

Salish and Kootenai Housing Authority - Housing Authority

Below is the information for Salish and Kootenai Housing Authority, a Housing Authority in Pablo MT :
Details: The Salish and Kootenai Housing Authority was established by Tribal Council action in 1963. Ordinance 38B established the Housing Authority as a separate tribal entity. In 1985, under Tribal reorganization, the management of other housing services were transferred to the Housing Authority including the BIA's Housing Improvement Program (HIP), Weatherization Program, Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program and the Tribe's water/sewer systems. In 1994 the Indian Health Service Construction (IHS 121) Program including the project engineer and inspector were added to the Authority management. This transfer, including the HIP Advisory Board, unified all housing services to make it easier for the membership to access its programs. In 1996, Ordinance 38C was adopted to establish the changes brought about with the enactment of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-determination Act of 1996. Since its inception, the Housing Authority has grown to meet the needs of the reservation. Nearly 700 units are under management which include rental, homeownership, 50 units of Tenant Based Assistance and an 80 lot trailer park. The Housing Authority is managed by a seven member Board of Commissioners that meets twice a month. Each commissioner is appointed by the Tribal Council and serves a staggered four year term. The commissioners employ an executive director, who has oversight of six different departments, Finance, Administration, Housing Resource, Occupancy, Maintenance and Water and Sewer Department with a manager assigned to each department to establish and carry out the goals of the Housing Authority. Collectively they have set the chart for the future.
Address: 56243 US Hwy 93
Pablo, MT 59855
Contact Phone: 406-675-4491
Fax: 406-675-4495
Services Available: Tenant Based Assistance; Down Payment Assistance (ICDBG); Low Rent Program; Transitional Living Center; Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program; Home Improvement (ICDBG); Home Improvement (HIP/BIA); Weatherization; Water/Sewer Operations; Maintenance Department; Engineering/Construction

Programs Available:
To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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