Samaritan House - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Samaritan House, a Non-Profit Organization in San Mateo CA :
Details: Since 1974, Samaritan House has been serving low-income families and individuals in San Mateo County. Our services are designed to meet the immediate and basic needs of our clients for food, clothing, shelter, health care, worker resources, and counseling services. With the help of thousands of volunteers and donors every year, Samaritan House helps meet the basic daily needs of more than 12,000 individuals in our community. All of our services and programs are designed to provide quality resources and effective evaluation to our clients in order to help them become more stable and secure in our community. Our Mission is to mobilize the resources of our community to help those among us who are in need, while preserving dignity, promoting self-sufficiency, and providing hope.
Address: 4031 Pacific Blvd., Second Floor
San Mateo, CA 94403
Contact Phone: 650-347-3648
Fax: 650-347-6066
Services Available: Emergency Assistance; Homelessness Prevention Assistance - financial assistance through short-term rental assistance and utility payments;

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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