Nebraska Rental Assistance Papillion Assistance Programs Sarpy County General Assistance Program

Sarpy County General Assistance Program - County Assistance Program

Below is the information for Sarpy County General Assistance Program, a County Assistance Program in Papillion NE :
Details: The Sarpy County Human Service Office administers the General Assistance Program. Persons presently residing in Sarpy County, who are interested in applying for this program, can call for additional information and/or an application. Eligibility is based on income and resources. Monthly income and resource guidelines vary based on the number of related persons in the household and current State of Nebraska poverty guidelines. Payment is made directly to the landlord and/or utility company. Vouchers are provided to purchase non-food items at No Frills Supermarkets. General Assistance will not be used to supplement any Federal or State Programs such as ADC, SSI, or Social Security.
Address: 1261 Golden Gate Drive, Suite 5E
Papillion, NE 68046
Contact Phone: 402-593-4400
Fax: 402-593-4489
Services Available: Financial Assistance for Rent, Utilities, and Non-Food Items

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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Latest Reviews, Comments, Questions for Sarpy County General Assistance Program

Comment from Sarpy County General Assistance Program: I need help with rent and utilities on the 1st October 2022. Need to resources for next few months of rent and utilities.Income has been effected through Covid .Dont make enough too pay my rent and utilities and I go with out food and my meds for diabetes 2 and seeing my doctor .Because I can’t afford too see him .Thats not good on my health .Heres my cell number 402 990 6786. Thankyou.

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