Sicha - Housing Authority

Below is the information for Sicha, a Housing Authority in Middleton ID :
Details: It is the mission of Southwestern Idaho Cooperative Housing Authority (SICHA) to: Provide STABILITY to families and individuals in our communities through the provision of safe, decent and sanitary affordable housing, free from discrimination. Encourage INDEPENDENCE by empowering families and individuals through the Family Self-Sufficiency and Homeownership programs. Ensure quality CUSTOMER SERVICE by serving all families and individuals with an exceptional level of professionalism, compassion and respect. Be HELPFUL to all that we encounter by providing a comfortable environment in which we can assist families and individuals by providing information and referrals to meet their needs. Be ACCOUNTABLE to all that we serve and represent by administering all programs with the highest level of integrity and ethical conduct.
Address: 377 East Main Street
Middleton, ID 83644
Contact Phone: (208)585-9325
Fax: (208)585-9326

Programs Available:
  • Low-Rent (Public Housing) - affordable apartments for low-income families, the elderly and persons with disabilities.
  • Section 8 (Housing Choice Voucher Program) - find your own place and use the voucher to pay for all or part of the rent.
To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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Comment from Sicha: I applied for sicha about 2 maybe longer years ago last year October 2019 I recieved a letter stating i was being moved to the top of the wait list and I still have not heard back ... what does this mean ? I need a place more now then ever I am about to become homeless with my son :,(

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Types of Rental Assistance Programs Explained
How to Apply for Rental Assistance: A Step-by-Step Guide