Illinois Rental Assistance Rock Island Assistance Programs South Rock Island Township - General Assistance/emergency Assistance

South Rock Island Township - General Assistance/Emergency Assistance - Locally Administered Welfare Program

Below is the information for South Rock Island Township - General Assistance/Emergency Assistance, a Locally Administered Welfare Program in Rock Island IL :
Details: General Assistance (Monthly) - Provided in the form of a basic needs allowance for rent, food, utilities, clothing, personal and household supplies. All grants are paid directly to the vendor. Any residents needing help must apply to see if they are eligible for assistance. Recipients must participate in a Community Work Program set up by the township and look for employment every month they are eligible. This program is for someone who is single. Emergency Assistance - Financial aid for families with children to alleviate a life threatening circumstance or to assist in attaining self-sufficiency. Residents must have a late, eviction or disconnect (utilities) notice to be eligible for this program.
Address: 1019 27th Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
Contact Phone: 309-788-0496
Services Available: General Assistance - rent, food, utilities, clothing, personal and household supplies; Emergency Assistance - rent, utilities

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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