Georgia Rental Assistance Moultrie Assistance Programs Southwest Georgia Community Action Council, Inc. - Colquitt County Neighborhood Service Center

Southwest Georgia Community Action Council, Inc. - Colquitt County Neighborhood Service Center - Community Action Agency

Below is the information for Southwest Georgia Community Action Council, Inc. - Colquitt County Neighborhood Service Center, a Community Action Agency in Moultrie GA :
Details: On September 27, 1965, Southwest Georgia Community Action Council (CAC), Inc. was chartered, making the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 a reality in Southwest Georgia by helping socially and economically disadvantaged persons help themselves through a variety of programs. Starting as a group of concerned Colquitt County citizens acting as an interagency council, Dr. Adeline Barber was asked to investigate the possibilities of accessing President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" programs being made available to communities. Eventually Commander Robert J. Clinton, a retired naval officer, agreed to chair the group and seek funding from the newly created Office of Economic Opportunity. The Area Planning and Development Commission (APDC, now the Southwest Georgia Regional Commission) in Camilla received the original funding. APDC subsequently spun the program off, and CAC was chartered to serve the Southwest Georgia area with the corporate headquarters located in Moultrie. Growing out of the dreams of a diverse group of visionary citizens with a sincere concern for the well-being of their community, CAC is a charitable private non-profit organization that now employs approximately 550 individuals and serves 21 counties through an estimated annual budget of $30 million.
Address: 912 First Avenue SE
Moultrie, GA 31768
Contact Phone: 229-985-3610
Services Available: Emergency Services (assist with payment of rent, mortgage, utility bills, deposits, food); LIHEAP; Housing & Energy Programs

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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