SPIN - GAPP - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for SPIN - GAPP, a Non-Profit Organization in Costa Mesa CA :
Details: SPIN was founded in 1987 by Sam Boyce and six friends who wanted to help the homeless of Orange County. Each week they passed out food and asked questions trying to determine what had brought these families and individuals to these circumstances. Time and time again, the volunteers received the same responses: "I lost my job and couldn't pay the rent, so I was evicted." Or, "Even though I have a job, I cannot get the money together to pay the move-in costs for housing." Or, "I am a substance abuser and lost everything. My family and friends want nothing more to do with me." Sadly, 20 years later, the need for access to permanent housing and substance abuse treatment remain the two greatest needs (County of Orange, Needs Assessment, May 2001).
Address: 151 Kalmus Drive, H-2
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Contact Phone: 714-751-1101
Fax: 714-751-3332
Website: http://www.spinoc.org/
Services Available: GAPP (Guided Assistance to Permanent Placement) Housing Program: SPIN provides move-in costs (first month’s rent and deposit) for permanent housing to low-income working families with children. The GAPP Housing Program is a program offering case management and supportive services such as assistance with child care costs, job development, tutoring, budgeting, counseling, workshops, car repairs related to work, as well as other services.

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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