Minnesota Rental Assistance Minneapolis Assistance Programs St. Stephen’s Human Services - Housing Services

St. Stephen’s Human Services - Housing Services - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for St. Stephen’s Human Services - Housing Services, a Non-Profit Organization in Minneapolis MN :
Details: St. Stephen’s Human Services, a 501c3 nonprofit, helps thousands of people secure housing and other support each year, but its beginnings were modest. In the 1960s, members of St. Stephen’s Church began offering programs for the poor and homeless. These programs were often initially staffed by parish volunteers. Across the country, homelessness escalated dramatically in the early 1980s due to a number of factors, most critically a national recession, decreased federal funding to local governments by 60%, demolition of affordable housing in many major cities, and the deinstitutionalization of mental health facilities without providing alternatives. St. Stephen’s offers a variety of housing programs. Some folks have been experiencing homelessness for a long period of time, others are new to shelters, and others are living in a supportive housing situation and recovering from chemical dependency.
Address: 2309 Nicollet Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Contact Phone: 612-874-0311
Fax: 612-874-0313
Website: http://ststephensmpls.org/
Services Available: Homeless Prevention helps people in danger of losing their housing avoid homelessness. One-time rental assistance is available to singles and families living in Minneapolis. Recipients must be able to pay rent in full and on time after receiving prevention assistance; Ending Long-Term Homelessness Programs; Rapid Re-Housing; Kateri Residence

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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