STEAC - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for STEAC, a Non-Profit Organization in Davis CA :
Details: The mission of STEAC is to provide immediate short-term assistance with basic necessities to Yolo County families and individuals with income below the poverty level. Assistance may include help with rent, utilities, furniture, clothing, food and other basic necessities. STEAC is committed to enlarging the social awareness of the community and to providing opportunities for local citizens to help others in need.
Address: 1900 East 8th Street
Davis, CA 95616
Contact Phone: 530-758-8435
Fax: 530-758-8521
Services Available: FIRST MONTH'S RENT PROGRAM - cash assistance to help pay for first month's rent in long-term housing; EVICTION PREVENTION PROGRAM - rental assistance to keep low-income residents from being evicted; UTILITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - Cash assistance is given to prevent utilities from being turned off or to have them restored

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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