Stone Soup Community - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Stone Soup Community, a Non-Profit Organization in South Bend IN :
Details: Stone Soup Community offers crisis and long-term services to anyone in St. Joseph County. Stone Soup Community places an emphasis on partnering and networking. For this reason, our offices are located at agencies and churches that have food pantries and other outreach services. Our goal is to offer patrons the most comprehensive and holistic services possible so that clients can move toward self-reliance and out of the cycle of meeting basic needs on an emergency basis. Stone Soup Community is unique in its approach and delivery of services. We invite individuals and families to work one-one-one, receive individual attention, tell their story and receive a listening heart. Our collaborative leadership style is evident by the fact that we listen first, then problem-solve with the patron. After this the volunteer counselor has the opportunity to consult with other volunteers and/or the supervisor. We focus on assets and resources of the patron and community to resolve immediate and long-term issues.
Address: 333 North Main Street
South Bend, IN 46601
Contact Phone: 574-246-0364
Services Available: Crisis services - A program for individuals and families facing a “crisis” with basic needs such as housing, utilities, medication, job related issues, transportation, domestic abuse, homelessness.

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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