SWHRA - Chester County CSC - Community Action Agency

Below is the information for SWHRA - Chester County CSC, a Community Action Agency in Henderson TN :
Details: Southwest Human Resource Agency continues its long history of being the premier Community Services delivery organization in West Tennessee. We are an Agency that continues to establish and maintain an outstanding reputation for quality human services to West and Central Tennessee communities. Our growth and success is due to our desire and commitment to serving our customer’s needs, whether that be Community Outreach services, providing Head Start for 3 and 4 year old children, providing public transportation, offering assistance for energy needs, lending a helping hand for youth, dislocated, and adult workers, or assisting our senior population with basic needs. Our Mission: To provide high quality service to our customers in a courteous, timely and cost effective manner through our highly dedicated, friendly and attentive team members. We provide an internal environment that promotes innovation, team work, and personal and professional growth.
Address: 269 North Church Street
Henderson, TN 38340
Contact Phone: 731-989-3879
Website: http://swhra.org/
Services Available: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); Weatherization Assistance Program

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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