The Salvation Army Bloomington Corps - Charitable Organization

Below is the information for The Salvation Army Bloomington Corps, a Charitable Organization in Bloomington IL :
Details: The Salvation Army first came to Bloomington, Illinois in November 1886. In 1923, the building located at 118 W. Washington Street was purchased, and both social services and church activities were held in the building. In1961, The Salvation Army moved to 212 N. Roosevelt Street, with the food pantry, utility and rent assistance programs operating in one part of the first floor and a chapel in the other part. The second floor was a gymnasium. Our Safe Harbor emergency homeless shelter began operating on the 2nd floor of the building in 1991, pulling out cots to sleep at night. In 1995, the property at 611 W. Washington Street was purchased to operate the social service and youth programs. A chapel was purchased for church services, located across the street from the Community Center. At that time, Safe Harbor took over the entire 212 N. Roosevelt facility. The Salvation Army continues to operate the Chapel, The Community Center and The Safe Harbor Shelter all centered around the 611 West Washington location. The 212 N. Roosevelt facility has been sold and The Salvation Army has acquired two nearby houses that will serve as Transition Housing and accomodations for familes.
Address: 601 West Washington Street
Bloomington, IL 61701
Contact Phone: 309-829-9476
Fax: 309-829-3680
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Mortgage Assistance; Utility Bills Assistance (Ameren IP/ Cornbelt; Water Utility; Nicor Gas Assistance)

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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